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War Yoga


For several years, during my personal sadhana of physical, martial, and spiritual practice, I would say that I practiced Rajayudhvan Yoga.

While Yoga means union of the smaller self with the greater self, of the Atman and Brahman, the Sanskrit term “Rajayudhvan” means “Royal Warrior”. While the atman is the essence of an individual, and Brahman is the unchanging, universal spirit or consciousness which underlies all things. The Yoga of the Royal Warrior would represent incorporating physical, martial, and spiritual practice to unite my individual consciousness with the unchanging, universal consciousness which underlies all things.

The term Rajayudhvan can also mean “one who fights on behalf of the king”. Also, depending on the context which the term is used, it can mean “one who fights against the king” as well. Perhaps, in some sense, they are the same. While I do consider myself an urban aghori yogi to some degree, living in both worlds, I have definitely fought for and against "kings" most of my life.

Several years ago, a small online community of people training with the "Gada" or Iron Mace, started appearing in the alternative weight training community. They talked of "bull culture", and of the Indo-European training methodology closely linked with the sacred practices of Hinduism, and the earlier hymns of the Rgveda brought into India through raiding herdsmen from the north. These training tools and sacred philosophy were linked to mankind oldest recorded spiritual traditions, so I immediately became interested.

I eventually was able to find Mr Tom Billinge and his War Yoga Training methodology, and after some time, we actually began to correspond. We quickly realized that our worldview and philosophy resonated greatly. I had previously read "Undying Glory", his book on Greek Philosophy and the heroic path towards Solar Consciousness, but I was very interested in his upcoming release. War Yoga.

In War Yoga, Tom distills a deep understanding of the theory behind the ancient art of Indian Wrestling, following an unbroken sacred lineage from the the northern raiders of the steppe bringing the polytheistic hymns of the Rgveda into India, which would eventually evolve into Hinduism. These ancient raiders also brought with them war arts, such as Kushti wrestling, and akhara training halls are still filled with faithful adherents who grapple in sacred pits, swing weighted clubs, and lift heavy stones as part of their training

He outlines in detail the rituals of nurturing internal and external fires for personal sacrifice, and how the labour of individual exercise, when imbued with purpose, symbolism and intent, becomes a legitimate expression of ritual. He dives not only on history and theory of War Yoga, but dedicates a large section of the book to the practical exercises used in Kushti wrestling and its conditioning, a practice dedicated to the god Hanuman.

The book War Yoga is highly recommended for individuals interested in travelling a sacred path of a warrior.


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